LIVE PC HELP will guarantee a determination else cash back inside a stipulated time of 30 days from date of administration rendered. Date of administration rendered is the date when customer first talks with an expert for getting support for the issue. On the off chance that issue reoccurs inside the 30 days of starting administration period and LIVE PC HELP is not able to totally settle the issue, and then customer will get a full discount. Customer may not get a discount if there is an alternate issue that is not of the same inception as the first issue inside introductory 30 day period.
LIVE PC HELP issues refund for all issues that turns to be out-of-extension, and issues that can’t be altered via telephone or remote. On the off chance that customer is not fulfilled by the administrations or if the issue was not determined then customer can request a discount inside 30 days’ opportunity of when episode was brought to the consideration of LIVE PC HELP. LIVE PC HELP offers 24*7 support and customers can call us whenever in a day time to get the issue solved. On the off chance that the same starting issue reoccurs however following 30 days from the date of actuation, and if issue couldn’t be settled this time, then LIVE PC HELP doesn’t hold any dedication of discounting the cash. Cash back strategy for unique issue dwells just in the initial 30 days of initiation.
We offer 30 Money Back Guarantee on every item we offer. You can call anytime to our customer administration at xxxxx, ahead of time to enlist your Refund Request inside 30 days of procurement date.” All refunds will be given as and a worthy representative for the Visa used at the time of procurement inside five (10) business days’ supply of the Refund Request.”
We generally attempt endeavors to give 100% fulfillment of our customers identified with the LIVE PC HELP support services. Anyway, if eventually things don’t work out or in the impossible occasion identified with the LIVE PC HELP support services, we have refund policy for our customers.